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Saturday, November 8, 2008

3 Techniques to Guarantee a Scholarship

The first thing you must do is get your GPA as high as possible.

The second thing you must do is Apply for scholarships.

(You can use free scholarship searches to apply for scholarships)

The third thing that you absolutely must do is follow through and be persistent.

Scholarships and GPAs

The correlation here is that some scholarships require that you have and maintain a certain GPA.
Other scholarships won't allow you to apply for scholarships unless your GPA meets their requirements.

The higher your GPA the higher the chance that you will have success when you apply for scholarships.

The reason GPA or grade point average has such a strong correlation is because when a scholarship is rewarded, it goes to a student who demonstrates exceptional ability inside of the classroom.

Apply for Scholarships

This should be an obvious set in getting a scholarship. But would you believe that there is a large
number of scholarships that aren't even applied for every year? Exactly free money for college that students are not claiming. This one fact alone should motivate any student to apply for a scholarship.

It doesn't cost anything to apply, be aware of scholarship scams and schemes that charge you a fee but promises a big scholarship in return. All scholarships are free!

Scholarship Searches

There are tons of free scholarship searches available. The two most popular free scholarship searches are Fastweb and Scholarship Experts. Read more by going to the source at the bottom of this page.

Be Persistent

When you are searching for scholarships it is important that you be persistent. Meaning if you
apply for a scholarship and you list your email as a way to contact you, check your email periodically. Don't use a phony email because it will not benefit you. Don't give up and keep applying for scholarships.

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Scholarships For College Students

Millions of scholarships go unused every year, because many College Students do not apply. Usually they don't apply because they think that they will not get any scholarships. The good news is that; the more scholarship opportunities that the students apply for the higher their chances
of getting a scholarship are.

How to apply for Scholarships

Students can apply for scholarships by using free college scholarship searches. Basically with the scholarship searches you create a profile and register it with the scholarship search and you will be emailed information regarding scholarships that apply to your profile.

It takes about 5 minutes to register a profile with a scholarship search. It is strongly advised that students take advantage of these opportunities.

When to apply for a Scholarship

You should begin applying as early as your freshman or sophomore year of high school. For most scholarships there is not a specific age requirement.

When you see free opportunities you definitely should take advantage of them.

Scholarship Warnings

Be aware of schemes and scams!

Never use a service that charges you a fee to apply for scholarships. Never pay any money for a scholarship that promises you money in return. A College scholarship is money that you are awarded for college, you don't have to pay any money with a full college scholarship. The sad part is that there are plenty of people who make a living by scamming people into paying for scholarship help and advice.

The Facts about Scholarships

It is free to apply

There are millions of dollars available every year.

Millions of scholarships go unused every year.

You don't have to pay the money back.

Scholarships can be combined with other sources of financial aid like student loans and grants.

You do not need a cosigner to get a scholarship.

You can use a student scholarship search to apply for scholarships.

There are millions of different kinds of scholarships including unusual scholarships -example left handed scholarships.

Most scholarships don't require you to be a certain age.

The more you apply for the higher your chances of getting a college scholarship are.

Some college scholarships only require you to submit basic information about yourself. Other college scholarships require you to write a brief essay on a specified topic.
Most people who apply for scholarships end up getting at least one.

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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Scholarship Essay Errors - Avoid This One

Let's say you have to write a scholarship essay. You could write something like the paragraph below.

My experiences while in academic pursuits during the intraequinoxial lunar cycles included the discovery of the ancient Babylonian rites of astral projection, invisibility through continued cerebral conditioning, and random numerical procession of statistical prediction and probability functions had a profound affect on my personal mission statement possibilities, while also being very emotional for me due to incorrect translation or transcription and provided the involuntary rescission of my abstraction and cogitation of late denarian and vicenarian retirement, due to budgetary impoundment combined with extenuating leverage, though I did learn something in the process, and did revise the standard astrology chart at the same time. My version will soon go before the International Association of Astrology Practitioners and Professionals for official IAAPP adoption worldwide.

Or, you could write this in your essay for your scholarship application:

While on study abroad last summer, I discovered ancient Babylonian records. The records included instructions on how to leave your body, become invisible, and predict lottery numbers. Such information affected me, and I have since reconsidered my goals. Also, it turns out that the lottery information was flawed, either when written or when translated. I had to stop buying lottery tickets because I had run out of money and maxed out my credit cards. My studies did produce valuable findings, though. I have even proposed changes to the standard astrology charts currently in use by the International Association of Astrology Practitioners and Professionals (IAAPP).

Isn't that easier to read and understand?

(By the way, I wrote "later denarian and vicenarian disoccupation" to mean retiring when you are a late teen or in your twenties. And you should never use that phrase if you want to win a scholarship!)

When you write, use intelligent language, but don't go for the biggest words you can find. Mark Twain, who wrote for the newspaper, said why use policeman when cop will do? Of course, you should use good vocabulary. If you start sounding like my sample above, you've gone way to far.

One key to avoiding thesaurizing: use proofreaders. Let others read your essays before you send them. They can tell you if you sound pompous, overbearing, or just weird. If that happens, don't worry. See what your proofreaders found wrong, and try again.

Good luck on your quest. You can win scholarships, you just have to improve and keep applying.

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Money And College

There are a number of ways to qualify for money to pay for college. Most of it is a hunt for the money and applying yourself just a little bit. The money is not going to jump out and grab you so it will take a little research on your part.

Students have enough to worry about and financing college can place an enormous amount of stress on them. Not only is college expensive, everything else that goes along with an education is as well. Living expenses, travel expenses, books and other necessities can quickly add up. There are some options that students entering college or returning to complete their degree have. Many of the opportunities out there for college students are grants and scholarships, making them free money. There are also several loan programs, but the only bad thing about loans is that they must be repaid with interest.

The best way to pay for college is begin saving as an infant, but unfortunately this is not always possible and certainly not feasible! That leaves the rest of us looking for ways to finance our education. Finding money for college is easier than it sounds, there are tons of resources offering money for specific degrees, studies or other affiliations. The only problem is often that students feel that they would never qualify therefore never looking or inquiring. This is a mistake on the part of the student because they are basically throwing money out the door. It is there for the taking and someone has to claim it, so it may well be you!

Start At School

The best way to find out about current lending or monies for college is at the school level. This could be the high school of the student or the college that they are planning to attend. All colleges have financial and admissions counselors that are up to date on all the offers out there. They know far more than anyone because they work with it everyday and the lenders, donors and administration of funds contacts them directly! They have the direct link to the money and the student, so it makes them a wealth of information about college funding. Don't try to go it alone when looking for ways to finance your education, contact the school and let them help you. It is a free service and they want to find money for you so that you can attend their college, it is job security for them as well.

Special Programs

The type of degree that a student is seeking can also open up financial doors. The government will offer additional funding and great incentives when there is a need for a specific career. Many careers suffer shortages of employees and statisticians predict that there will be shortages of nurses, teachers, police and many more. Again by checking with the local financial aid office of the university the student can learn about programs directed at specific degrees or plans. The stipulation to some of these programs is that the student will agree to enter into that profession for a set amount of time after graduation. If it is something you are going to do anyway, take the money and run with it!

Organizations & Affiliations

There are many organizations and affiliations that offer money to students for college all over the world. In many cases it is as simple as writing an essay or filling out an application. The biggest problem with this type of financing is the fact that many students do not even realize that they are eligible. And, sometimes this type of money can be relatively difficult to find. One thing that a student may look for is corporations, large companies or other organizations in their area. If the company/organization has a website, take a look as there may be information about financial aid programs through their company. The same is true for affiliations of parents and students alike. Many organizations such as membership clubs, hobby clubs and the like will offer money to help defray the costs of college. They may only be small grants, but every little bit helps!

Writing For Money

Many scholarships and grants alike require the submission of an essay. In most cases students have to write an essay about their goals, and why they deserve the money. This worries most students because they need that money, but their writing skills may not be the best in the world. There are numerous resources that can help with the submission of an essay. There are several tips and tricks that can have you writing an award winning essay in minutes. Be sure to proofread the essay and correct any mistakes before sending it in though! It never hurts to have someone else look over it as well!

There are a number of ways to qualify for money to pay for college. Most of it is a hunt for the money and applying yourself just a little bit. The money is not going to jump out and grab you so it will take a little research on your part. Ask the financial or admissions counselors for help, most of them are glad to help!

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