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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Avaliable Grants and Scholarships for Culinary Arts

Because a culinary arts education has become so popular, colleges and universities worldwide are opening culinary arts schools. These programs all offer the basic culinary courses, and are attracting thousands of new students each year. Why? Because these future chefs know that a passion for cooking and a few great recipes aren't enough to land that dream chef's job. They must have a formal education and some internship experience to back it up.

However, the number of choices available can make it difficult to pick one. There are many options to consider, and it can be an expensive endeavor. Although community colleges can be more affordable, if you're looking at a culinary arts school you are likely going to spend a good deal more money on your education.

Deciding to go on to higher education can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life, but funding it can be one of the most nerve-wracking. An education in culinary arts can be very expensive, just like any other degree program. Many aspiring cooks and chefs are unable to finish their degrees because of the cost.

However, there are grants and scholarships available for the aspiring chef. Students have a plethora of choices in financial aid these days, a menu of grants and loans that will fit almost any need. Grants and scholarships, remember, are monies for tuition payments on the student's behalf and don't need to be repaid. These are known as gift aids, and are an attractive option for those with fewer resources.

These grants and scholarships for the culinary arts are made available either through your school or from private trusts and grants. If you apply for a school grant, you must contact the school for the forms and application papers. The private grants are usually set up by benefactors or patrons. Culinary arts students usually have them offered one of two ways: either by the tuition waiver, which is often 50 percent to 75 percent of the student's fees, or the cash award, normally between $500 and $5,000 (although some schools offer cash awards higher than $5,000).

Remember that the school's professional faculty committees review the grant and scholarship applications offered in the culinary arts department. By doing this, they determine which of the applicants are good candidates to receive awards, and which are not. The committee considers all experience, past performance, and financial status when making determinations. If they consider you a good candidate for that school's scholarship money, then they will make a grant to you through the school or another outside company.

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