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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Nursing Scholarships - Funding Your Healthcare Education

Paying for a nursing education can be a costly proposition. If you strongly desire to become a nurse, but do not think you can swing the finances involved in such studies, you should see what is available in the way of nursing scholarships. This article is presented to provide you with some tips and suggestions as well as general information in regard to nursing scholarships.

In this day and age, there are a wide array of different types of nursing scholarships available to a budding student. Because there is such a demand for nurses in many locations around the world, there has been a concerted effort made to ensure that a person interested in taking up the study of nursing has access to different types of nursing scholarships.

As mentioned, there are many different nursing scholarships that are available today. These nursing scholarships can be found to pay for a wide variety of education related expenses, including: tuition fees, related fees, books, clinical supplies, laboratory expenses, research facility charges, as well as other costs associated with obtaining a nursing education and a nursing degree. Preference is given to qualified applicants with the greatest financial need who are enrolled full-time in an undergraduate nursing program.

There are some nursing scholarships that come with some strings attached. For example, a hospital may provide a nursing student with a scholarship provided that the student agrees to work for the hospital for a period of time after graduation. This is one way in which certain hospitals and medical centers are working to deal with and resolve the nursing shortage.

There actually are a number of different and significant sources of scholarships for nursing students. The more significant sources of nursing scholarships include: the state and federal governments as well as private sector foundations and organizations.

In recent times, professional nursing organizations, like the American Nursing Association and many individual colleges with nursing programs, have created generous scholarship programs for their students.

Applying for nursing scholarships has become a relatively easy process. The financial aid office at most schools can aid you in applying for nursing scholarships. In addition, many nursing scholarships can now be applied for over the Internet.

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